The Roles of Police Officers are Switched in The Walking Dead

  The classic views of police officers within our society for years now have been that they are meant to protect and serve the people, and that they are the people to go to when you need help. Even as a kid that is who I was taught to go to if no one else … Continue reading The Roles of Police Officers are Switched in The Walking Dead

Everyone can be a bad-ass hero in Supernatural

    My utter enjoyment of the television hit Supernatural continues on from my last review, but this time we jump all the way to the very end of the fifth season, so keep in mind, there are spoilers ahead. For this review, we are taking a look at the 22nd episode of the fifth … Continue reading Everyone can be a bad-ass hero in Supernatural

When Horror and Mystery Mix It Creates A Great Show

  Horror and mystery mold perfectly together in the pilot episode of the show Supernatural. Supernatural is directed by David Nutter and from what I have seen in the first episode is a very well made and excellently directed show. The main characters in this episode are two brothers, Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki), and Dean … Continue reading When Horror and Mystery Mix It Creates A Great Show

When real ghost stories come to the big screen, it is truly terrifying.

Being one of, if not the scariest movie I have seen, James Wan’s movie, The Conjuring kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire movie. James Wan is also known for movies such as Saw, Lights Out, and Insidious. The Conjuring, which is rated R, was released July 19 2013 and is roughly … Continue reading When real ghost stories come to the big screen, it is truly terrifying.